Friday, December 26, 2008

1. GSPG has consolidated a known rich gold and silver property (the Comstock Lode claims).
2. GSPG is located in the US in the friendliest mining state of Nevada with strong community support.
3. GSPG has a terrific management team. CEO Faber knows he has an amazing COO in Jim Golden - Open, Honest, Logical, Top Engineer, Low-Cost focus
4. GSPG has a smart board of directors.
5. GSPG has a top-notch, hand-picked technical team.
6. GSPG has the technology - No one has ever before 3-D mapped the ore bodies across the Comstock.
7. GSPG is focused on keeping costs low.
8. GSPG is drilling like mad.
9. GSPG has found the gold and silver at shallow open-pit mine-able depths.
10. GSPG's biggest problem is that they can't find where the gold and silver stops in order to complete the mining plan.
11. GSPG has third party verified results.
12. GSPG has the leach pads in place.
13. GSPG has the equipment including the smelter in place.
14. GSPG has the permits in place.
15. GSPG has solid financing - with additional sources if necessary.
16. GSPG has very low debt relative to reserves value.
17. GSPG is ready to start production when the mining plan is complete (within a few months).
18. GSPG's current market cap (shares X price) is more than ten times less than the growing value of gold and silver reported so far.
19. GSPG will be a buyout target by large cash-rich mining companies like Barrick, bringing new attention to GSPG.
20. GSPG will have many continuing and new financing options in the future, including joint venture offers.
21. Gold and silver prices are predicted to head much higher.
22. GSPG is just getting started, and has the potential to find vast (and rich) reserves - offering great leverage to the rising price of gold and silver.